Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rebels: Season 1

Disney's first Star Wars production since purchasing the franchise, Rebels is set ~15 years after Episode III (and thus, ~4 years before Episode IV).  This TV show follows a small Rebel cell on the planet Lothal as they battle the Imperial presence there.  We see Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb, Ezra, and Chopper grow in abilities and camaraderie as their operations escalate in scope and impact- and ultimately draw the attention of higher-level Imperial authorities, to include the Inquisitor (a Dark Side servant) and Grand Moff Tarkin.  Can this small band ward off the Empire and give hope to the region?

Season 1 of this show aired last year, but since I wait for the blu-ray release, I just finished viewing it today (season 2 is underway).  I liked it.  It has only 15 episodes, and each covered a lot of ground- it was fast-paced (a refreshing change from the Clone Wars TV show, which seemed to plod along through 5 seasons).  That had its downsides- character development seemed rushed, for example- but was good on the whole.  I enjoyed the time period (during 'the dark times'), topic (watching a small rebel band start to form a cohesive force, with hints of more to come), and action.  My main complaint: this small band can infiltrate star destroyers, Imperial bases, and other things with impressive ease.  They also live in their ship, The Ghost, in plain sight on Lothal's surface, and though the planet is blockaded, they are neither detected nor hindered as they run their missions.  Those absurdities aside, I thought this was a strong first offering.

Rating: A-

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