Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Green Lantern

Hal Jordan is a hotshot fighter pilot, like his father. He lives for himself and appears fearless. But all he knows is about to change . . .

The Green Lantern Corps, intergalactic peacekeepers, have protected galaxies for ages with their rings (powered by will). Years ago, the Lantern Abin Sur imprisoned Parallax, a powerful being fueled by fear. When Parallax escapes, attacks Sur, and defeats a squadron of other Lanterns, the Corps know they are in trouble. Must they turn to fear to defeat fear?

Abin Sur, injured, crashes to Earth. His ring chooses Jordan to take the Lantern mantle. But Hal is secretly afraid . . . is he worthy? He won't have time to find out . . . Parallax is coming.
I watched this film when it released in 2011. I didn't care for it then, and it hasn't aged well. My two criticisms are plot speed and message:
- Plot speed: there is far too much going on for one film. There are two villains, plus Hal, plus the Corps, plus the foreshadowing of a third villian, plus the Guardians (immortals who rule the Corps). The backstory required was hastily covered, leading to some mystifying plot leaps or omissions. The climactic fight is hardly that. And while I don't normally put a lot of value in the action scenes, I found that disappointing.
- Message: a bit scattered, but the general point is "will overcomes fear." I think. But also "be fearless" (which is supposedly the only requirement to be a Lantern). But also "it's okay if you're afraid, but courage means overcoming that fear." Whatever the case, there are few if any redeeming messages.

This movie was panned by critics and audiences alike; supposedly it wasn't true to the source comic material, and the changes were not for the better. My children liked it better than I did, granting it an A- or B, respectively. For me, I say:

Rating: C- 

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