Thursday, March 28, 2024

Amulet Volume 9: Waverider (Kazu Kibuishi)

Concluding the Amulet series and picking up from last time . . .

Emily has regained control after losing it, and Vigo finds an old friend, Ronin, who is teaching young stonekeepers to do the same. Now, instead of treating 'fallen' stonekeepers as cursed, they allow them to find their way back. These stonekeepers can help break the shadow curse that has fallen on others . . . and they'll need all the help they can get to take down the shadows engulfing the worlds. Along the way, they'll learn the importance of forgiveness and trust.

The series concludes with remarkable consistency. Here and throughout, I enjoyed the outstanding art. The Story was confusing at times and predictable at others; some things were rushed or given no explanation. The messages were mixed; I oscillated between enjoying the 'echoes of Eden' (lessons reflecting Jesus) and groaning at the poor teachings ("I must remember to . . . follow my own compass"). Some other themes:
- technology can be put to bad purposes. It seemed presented here as almost 'mindless', with no discussion on how people influence that.
- there are ramifications to actions: "What we do here resonates far beyond our reach or vision"
- finding your 'center' and 'letting go' [very Star Wars-like]
- human nature can be destructive [which is why the message to 'follow your own compass' seems odd]
- there is a curse—a shadow—that can be removed, restoring things to their former state
From this list, you might be able to detect good and profound messages right alongside wrong ones. It was definitely a mixed bag.

Overall, I enjoyed the conclusion (and the series), but pay attention to the messages.

Rating: A-

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