Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dune (Part 1)

With the book fresh in my mind, I turn to the recent Dune movies. Today: part one.

Dune: Part One covers the book from beginning through Paul's journey to the Fremen. Here, we see the Atreides take over Arrakis and then get betrayed. Paul flees with his mother into the desert, where only the Fremen can help them.

There was a lot to like in this film. The cast was excellent; the story stayed true to the book in the important aspects. I enjoyed the sets, visualizations, and production value. My main ding is the pacing; even separating the book into two films, it felt rushed. It diminished the suspense and my investment in the story. A solid effort, but I'll look to see how Part Two concludes the tale.

Rating: B

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