Sunday, September 29, 2024

Port Royal (Big Box)

Today's review is of the 2022 release, Port Royal (Big Box). For 1-5 players, it takes 20-50 minutes.

This push-your-luck game is simple and fun; I reviewed the base game of Port Royal in 2017 (review here). This edition has new art (which is outstandng) and includes the base game plus subsequently-released expansions and the 'gambler' promo card. The expansions:
- Make Sail!: A simpler variant for new players; however, a subset of cards from this set can be included with the base game to expand options.
- Just One More Contract: this expansion adds to the base game with more cards for the main deck and a new card type: the oversized contract cards.
- The Adventure Begins: this expansion adds a multi-session story element to the game.
the expansions summarized
I really enjoyed Port Royal and missed out on the expansions, so when I saw this tidy package at the game store, with new art to boot, I couldn't resist. I'm glad I picked it up. I like the new art and expanded options that come with the included variants. It is simple to pick up, fast the play, and enjoyable.

Rating: A

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