Wednesday, January 1, 2025

So Begins 2025

image from here
Happy New Year! As is my custom, this post lays out goals for the year. The goals themselves are in italics, with explanation following in regular font.

- Be disciplined in reading/prayer routines (and reduce putzing).
- Do devotionals with the family twice a week.  
- Serve better, but in fewer roles.
- Focus more on others. Figure out balance with competing needs.

I fritter away too much time by 'putzing' (meaning a few minutes web surfing here, a few minutes playing a game there, etc.). In 2025, I want to minimize that and replace it with better routines. A subgoal here is devotionals (books broken into daily readings): I have three I want to read personally in 2025, plus one I want to do with the family.

I am also stretched too thin right now, and there are some big changes coming for my work and my wife's. So I need to step back in a few areas so we can manage everything in a way that glorifies God and blesses others. I don't know what that looks like, but some things need to change.

- Get (and keep) weight under 185 lbs.
- Eat more fruit/vegetables. Eat out less.
- Improve gut health.
- Complete 270 workouts; bike 1200 miles.

I want to lose 5-7 lbs, eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, figure out what is going on with my gut, and keep working out consistently. I would love to bike 1200 miles this year.

- Read 50 books.
- Read 15 works at my American Reading List.
- Minimize my owned-but-unread pile

I've done 50+ books the last few years, and this should be easily reached. My American Reading List is 200 books; I'm about a third done and aim to read 15 more this year. And it is always good to not let unread books accumulate in the home.

Household Management
- Minimize stuff in the home.
- Figure out ideal home organization.
- Buy less/budget better.

I get stressed with all the clutter around the house. I want to find a way to minimize it and keep it out of sight. Part of that is home organization; we have a few areas that we want to re-work to improve their appearance and utility. And buying less is always wise.
The goals above are not earth-shaking . . . I should be able to hit all of these. To 2025!

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