Thursday, April 30, 2015


We took three trips to Italy when we lived on the continent- to the Tuscany region (9/07), Venice (10/08), and Rome (9/09).  In each instance, we were blown away by the amount of beauty found in the art and architecture of these areas.


You can't throw a rock in Rome without hitting something ancient.  Capital of the Roman Empire for centuries, Rome's importance in world history is unquestioned.  Ruins still dot the city, making this a must for history buffs.  There's also no end to the art- and Vatican City is a great place to experience much of it first-hand.  As an aside, I read Angels and Demons while in the city, and highly recommend that, as this wildly popular book is set almost entirely in Rome, and will enhance your enjoyment.

There were three places we visited in this city that won't be shown below because photography was forbidden:
- The Sistine Chapel.  In Vatican City, it has probably the most famous ceiling art in the world.
- The Catacombs.  Where Christians buried their dead almost 2000 years ago.
- The Capuchin Crypt (or Bone Chapel).  Created by monks who arranged the bones of their dead in interesting patterns.


The famous canal-strewn city, Venice felt both Romantic and cramped in places.


A city of art, lots of famous dead people can be found buried in Florence's Cathedral and Churches.


What struck me most about Siena's Cathedral was the interior, which was literally covered in art (including on the floor).  My one picture below doesn't do it justice.

San Gimignano

Located in the heart of Tuscany, the rich of San Gimignano showed their wealth by building Medieval 'skyscrapers.'  These towers still dot the town today.


People are drawn to Pisa for its famous architectural oddity- the Leaning Tower.  But there are other beautiful things, too.


Italy is one of those countries who glory in their past.  It's understandable; they have a lot to be proud of.