Thursday, March 8, 2012

On Star Wars

Since I can remember, I've been a Star Wars fan. As such, I'll be reviewing the stories, and so an introduction is merited.

The Star Wars saga has become such a phenomena that the tale is told continually through a variety of media. Most are familiar with the movies, but books (over 125 to date, not counting children's literature), comic books (hundreds through the years), TV shows (on season 4 and counting), and even video games contribute to the canon. Few other franchises have "invaded" each category so thoroughly. George Lucas keeps a tight hold on the overall story, so each new piece- regardless of media- fits into the story with little/no discontinuity. In some cases, the same story is presented in several ways (book, comic, and video game, for example), enabling you to process the story in different ways and enjoy the advantages each medium allows.

Believe it or not, Star Wars is not science fiction. It's been described more accurately as "space fantasy" or "space opera;" definitely not sci-fi. So, if you're into fantasy or adventure, this universe may appeal to you more than you'd think.

While most Star Wars stories are far from high literature, they do hold value. The stories are light reading and generally entertaining, if nothing else. There's also a certain innocence to the works- they are mostly PG, with the occasional stray into PG-13 territory. They don't contain foul language, explicit violence, or sex, making them safe choices for readers across the spectrum.

The main drawbacks are the relative predictability of the stories (basic plots/etc), the nigh invincibility of the main cast, and the time commitment (if you're the "collector" type that has to have it all). I decided long ago that I wasn't going to attempt to consume each new offering- so I pick and choose. In future posts, I'll review the releases that held the most value, in my eyes.

In conclusion, partaking in the Star Wars universe is a light and enjoyable endeavor, recommended for the fantasy fan of all ages, as long as you set your expectations correctly.

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