Saturday, July 1, 2017

Midterm Report

image from here
Wow, we're halfway through 2017 already.  Each year, I set and present my goals for the year in January.  Today I look at how I'm doing.

Use it or lose it
Hmmm. . . I've definitely continued to churn through my collection of games, but I keep buying more, so I haven't made much progress here in my quest to use everything I own.

Grade: B-

Personal Spending & Budgeting
We tracked purchases (not the same as budgeting) for two months, then tapered off.  We have improved some spending habits- especially working on reducing food costs- but we still have a long way to go.  My personal spending is within my budget, but I haven't been pacing myself well at all (I've spent most of it already), and my goal was essentially to not spend anything for the first 6 months.  I failed there.

Grade: C

Fitness numbers are on track this year: so far I've run 142 miles in 52 runs (improving my average distance), done 51 weightlifting sessions, and roughly 10 other workouts (bike, yoga, yard work, etc.).  I have stretched more, as was my goal, though still not enough- I need to do more yoga sessions.

Grade: B+

Ouch, this was bad.  Though I've done decently working out, my nutrition hasn't changed.  I eat too many calories (and too many carbs/sweets), and as a result, I'm the same weight now that I was in January.  I really need to focus on this moving out.  15 lbs or bust!

Grade: D

This has gone well; I'm on track for 52 books this year, and am really enjoying the selections.

Grade: A

Some progress here.  I'm praying more (but need to improve), and we do devotionals as a family occasionally (we started the year strong; I'm impressed how much the kids retained).  Scripture reading is okay but needs more consistency.

Grade: B

Hmmmm . . . marginal improvement here, but a long way to go towards being more compassionate with and giving more attention to the kids.

Grade: C+

I'll end on an odd note: this year I stopped using chapstick.  It was annoying for a few weeks, but the body adjusted and I'm happy for it.  One less 'need' in life.

Some aspects of the year have went well, but I really need to rein in my spending, weight, and improve spiritually and with parenting skills.  "Never stop starting," as a friend says.

Grade: B-

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