Saturday, November 11, 2017

Exit: The Game- The Pharaoh's Tomb

Today's review is of the 2016 release, Exit: The Game- The Pharaoh's Tomb.  For 1-6 players, it (supposedly) can be done in one hour, but will likely take much more.

On a vacation to Egypt, you're enjoying a tour of an ancient tomb when the unthinkable happens: you get separated from your group and trapped in a burial chamber.  With only a notebook full of clues and a dial, you don't have long before you'll be trapped forever.  Can you figure out a series of riddles in time to escape?

This is a cooperative game, modeled after the escape rooms so popular right now.  You may have to cut or modify clue cards or other components, meaning it can be played only once (though once you know the clues, playing again would be pointless anyway).  The notebook is key but doesn't hold your hand- you'll have to think outside the box on this one- assume nothing.  You're supposed to be able to solve every thing in an hour . . . good luck.

I played this with a group of four other highly educated individuals . . . and while we figured out many riddles, we got stumped more than once and had to rely, more than we expected, on the hint cards provided- and it still took us almost two hours.  I appreciated that it was challenging, but some steps seemed unfairly difficult . . . maybe that's the point.  As this is one in a series, I wonder if playing other offerings would be much easier, now that I know the range of things to expect.  In the end, it was enjoyable enough, but not something I see myself doing frequently.  I'd like to try a physical escape room to see how that compares.

Rating: B

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