Monday, March 19, 2018

Majesty: For the Realm

Today's review is of the 2017 release, Majesty: For the Realm.  For 2-4 players, it takes 20-40 minutes.

Your goal is simple: have the wealthiest realm.  You do so by recruiting characters (six are available in the central 'display' at any given time), which dictate where you place them based on their role (miller, brewer, knight, innkeeper, etc.).  Your realm has eight locations, each with its own characteristics.  On your turn, you:
- take a character from the display (paying a "meeple cost" for it if necessary)
- place it in the matching location in your realm
- resolve that location's abilities (some give points, trigger attacks on other realms, or have other interesting effects)
game in progress; image from here
The game ends when all players have twelve characters in their respective realms.  Points are totaled based on several factors, including diversity (how many different locations in your realm have characters) and majority (if you have the most characters in a given location).  Most points wins; it's that simple!

This is a solid game.  As with other Marc Andre offerings (like Splendor), it's simple to learn and provides meaningful choices.  It might be too simple, in fact . . . I'd have to play it a few more times to know for sure.  I think I prefer Splendor, but this is a good one to check out.

Rating: B+

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