Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Two Popes

The Two Popes is a Netflix biographical movie about Pope Benedict (who abdicated in 2013) and current Pope Francis (back when he was a Cardinal).  It examines their differences (in belief and leadership style) and how they ultimately came to appreciate each other.

The acting here was outstanding.  The story was good, though it's hard to judge how historically accurate it is (much of the movie is private dialogue between the two men- which must require a good amount of speculation).  It's a movie based on a play based on the true event . . . so I suspect much license.  Still, abdication of a papacy is rare (before Benedict, it had been last done ~600 years prior), and it was interesting to see that played out, and how even religious men of authority struggle with doubts and personal sins. 

Rating: A-

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