Monday, October 25, 2021

Bride of Boogedy

The Davis family thinks they're safe after the events of Mr. Boogedy, and plan to finally open their gag store, having bought a nice space downtown. But in Lucifer Falls, anything can happen . . . as the town prepares for its annual carnival, Carlton is named honorary mayor, and is excited for that opportunity. But not all the townsfolk are pleased . . . Mr. Lynch is bitter and swears to make the Davis family wish they had never come to town. Worse, Mr. Boogedy is trying to come back, needing only his magic cloak to do so. Though he lacks the power he once had, he can control people's minds, and is bent on marrying the widow Marian . . . could the town survive such a return?

Ahh, this is the film I remember. This 1987 Disney film is double the length of the first and has more memorable scenes. It's still a bad movie- full of cheese, and a strange mix of horror/comedy- but it is marginally better than its predecessor.

Rating: C-

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