Tuesday, May 8, 2018

All Things New (Hugh Whelchel)

In All Things New, Hugh Whelchel summarizes the Christian "four-chapter gospel," a common way of describing how the Bible is organized: creation, fall, redemption, restoration.
Creation explains the way things were;
the Fall explains the way things are;
Redemption shows the way things could be; and
Restoration shows the way things will be.
Why is it important to describe Scripture in this way?  "The four-chapter gospel is not just a way to read the Bible.  It's the framework through which we live our lives."  It is a good and accurate way to view and understand the world, and "enables us to understand our identity as God's people and to identify our role in his story."  Not us only: "It's the ultimate story of significance for all humanity."

There's a lot of goodness in this 37-page booklet.  I highly recommend this- to believers and non- as an excellent, succinct, and informative summary of life & Christianity.

Rating: A

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