Monday, July 20, 2020

Menschen- Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch (A1)

This coursebook, from Hueber, covers material found in the "A1" German language certificate test.  It's accompanied by a DVD, which you'll need to make sense of the book. As you'd expect, it covers the basics of the language.

I'm hoping to get a German certificate while I'm here. Though I know (or should know) the material covered in this book, I wanted to go through it to reinforce the lessons, identify gaps, and understand what I might see on the test. It's entirely in German- this is produced for all "German as a Second Language" students, so there are no explanations in your native language- and I found this different approach valuable.  I read through it, but didn't use the accompanying DVD, so I wasn't able to complete the exercises that required that. But it's a nice resource.  I'll stick with some other ones, though- I prefer having the English explanation handy.

Rating: B

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