Monday, July 11, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder

Deprived of his daughter and spurned by his deity, Gorr is on a mission to slay all the gods across the universe with the powerful necrosword. Elsewhere, Thor wrestles with inner peace and Jane Foster, his ex, fights advanced cancer. But soon Gorr will find that Thor is back . . . and this time, he has a mighty friend.

This movie is a mixed bag. It's fun. It's zany. It's rock'n'roll. And there are hilarious goats (this may be the funniest MCU film yet). But it's also serious, tragic, and scary in places. The messages are largely poor and somewhat inconsistent*, and elements are a bit rushed (the film was short but the assembly cut was 4 hours, apparently). Overall, I enjoyed this, but in a 'turn brain off and enjoy the zaniness' kind of way. Looking back on Thor: Ragnarok, this film featured some of the same pros and cons, but Ragnarok was better.

Final thought: MCU feels directionless post-Endgame (as mentioned in this spoiler-infused article). That contributes to the disappointment.

Rating: B

*Namely, 1) the deities don't care about you, 2) there is no eternal rest, but also 3) life is about sacrificial love and 4) if you die a warrior's death you will be worthy and go to Valhalla . . . which sounds a lot like eternal rest. 

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