Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Best Blades (Clone Wars Vol. 5)

Expected holiday + unexpected snow storm = graphic novel non-Sunday.  Today, I continue exploring Dark Horse Comics' Clone Wars series.  Volume 5- The Best Blades- is composed of the following stories:

Dead Ends

Sixteen months after Geonosis, Republic Senator Bail Organa is attacked by increasingly-bold pirates.  As Palpatine uses the attack to propose new legislation that will further his 'emergency' powers, Finis Valorum (the ex-chancellor, as seen in Episode I) relays his fears to Bail that Palpatine is a grave threat to the Republic.  Organa is starting to become convinced, but is prevented from continuing his work with Valorum when the latter meets with tragedy.

Rating (art): A-
Rating (story): A


Palpatine publicly mourns the recent death in battle of Jedi Rohnar Kim, whose backstory is subsequently told by a series of flashbacks.  Kim and his padawan had proposed testing all Senate members for midi-chlorians (the mark of a Force user) in an attempt to find the Sith . . . could their demise have been arranged?

Rating (art): A-
Rating (story): A+

Hate and Fear

Obi-Wan Kenobi has been missing and presumed dead since the battle of Jabiim (in Clone Wars Vol. 3, here).  Now, we learn that in fact he and a clone were captured by Asajj Ventress and they are now imprisoned on Rattatak, her homeworld.  They escape, cause a general prison break, and in the process learn something about Ventress's past.

Rating (art): A-
Rating (story): B

No Man's Land

Obi-Wan's escape from Ventress hits a snag as he and his clone ('Alpha') crash-land on Riflor.  All is not lost, however, as Anakin senses him through the Force and comes to his aid.

Rating (art): A-
Rating (story): B-

The Best Blades

Yoda is dispatched to Thustra, a vital Republic world led by his old friend and planning to secede.  Though his accompanying padawans are thirsty to bring the world to heel through force, Yoda insists that "the best blades are kept in their sheaths" and uses negotiations instead.

Rating (art): B+
Rating (story): A


The best entry in the series to date, Volume 5 is mostly outstanding.  Bloodlines is one of my favorite stories- I especially enjoyed the 'storytelling in reverse' and seeing more of Palpatine's shady past.  The Best Blades is also surprisingly deep (for Star Wars), so I'll end with a quote from it:
"A weapon need not be utilized for its power to be exercised.  Possessing the strength and will to wield a sword is often enough to preclude the necessity of doing so."

Rating: A

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