Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Before the Awakening (Greg Rucka)

Before the Awakening is three tales in one, each starring a hero in the recently-released Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie.  All tales take place just prior to the movie.  In the first, Stormtrooper FN-2187 learns what the First Order calls 'loyalty' as he endures rigorous training; in the second, Rey scavenges on the desert world of Jakku, longing for her parents return; in the third, Poe Dameron flies for the Republic (and then the splinter Resistance group) and investigates rumors of First Order activity.

A young adult novel, this work was okay.  The last tale was best, and gave some (though minor) backstory about the Resistance vs. the Republic- something not explained during the movie (see the postscript for more).  The rest was mostly filler, setting up the movie but not enriching it.

Rating: B


In The Force Awakens, the First Order (the new Empire) destroys some Republic worlds and fights the Resistance- a splinter group of the Republic, largely consisting of veterans from the Civil War some thirty years prior.  Why wasn't the Republic leading the fight?  And what's the difference between the Republic and the Resistance?  We learn more in this book.

Thirty years after the Battle of Endor, the First Order occupies a small corner of the galaxy.  The Republic, much larger, occupies worlds from the core to the Outer Rim.  A small neutral band exists between these spheres, and any overt incursion between the sides into the other's territory is viewed as an act of war.  Some in the Republic believe that the First Order has been amassing troops and ships, with obvious ill intent; the majority, however, believe that diplomacy is the only viable solution, and will not tolerate military intelligence or build-up to counter this supposed threat.  The latter will act only if first attacked by the First Order; the Resistance is born out of the former, and they are effectively preparing to defend the Republic, and learn of the First Order's movements, through limited military operations.  That is what we see in The Force Awakens, and of course we learn that the Resistance was right in their suspicions.

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