Friday, December 15, 2017

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Picking where The Force Awakens left off, The Last Jedi follows Rey, Finn, Poe, and the Resistance.  Fresh off the heels of their defeat of Starkiller Base, they have little time to celebrate: the First Order's remaining forces are hot on their heels, with Supreme Leader Snoke and Kylo Ren leading the charge.  Meanwhile, Rey has finally found Luke Skywalker . . . but will it make a difference?  I'll say no more to avoid spoilers.

This film is different.  Like The Force Awakens, it's funny, suspenseful, fast-paced, and action-packed.  But where Episode VII looked disturbingly like an Episode IV reboot, The Last Jedi is full of fresh twists and unexpected events (while still paying homage to the originals).  As I watched, I cycled through thinking "this is weird, this is cool, this is surprising, this is good, this is different, this is too much, this is right on."  In the end, the film wins because it leaves the viewer both satisfied (the plot moves the overall story forward nicely) and wanting more (so much remains to know).  I have no idea what to expect for the next film- and that's a good thing.

Rating: A-

December 2019 update: I re-watched this film with my children.  I was disappointed; it's more like Episode V than I originally realized, and though it has some new material, what it introduces is conflicting, confusing and bizarre. 

New rating: C+

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