Monday, August 3, 2020

Sushi Go!

Today's review is of the 2013 release, Sushi Go! For 2-5 players, it takes 15 minutes.

Sushi Go! is a straightforward set collection game. A game lasts three rounds. Each round, all players are dealt cards (the number depends on the number of players; in a 5-player game, each gets 7 cards). Each card has some sort of sushi on it. Each player picks a card from their hand, reveals it, and places it face-up on the table in front of them. They pass their remaining cards to the left and repeat the process until all cards are on the table. The round is scored, all cards (except dessert cards) discarded, and players get a new hand for the second (and then third) rounds.
the cards of the game; image from BoardGameGeek
Each type of card is scored differently- some give points only if you have collected a certain number of them, others score only if you have the greatest number of them between all players, and so on. And the dessert cards don't score until the end, where only the player with the most (+6 points) and least (-6 points) matter.

This is a really fun, if simple, game. My kids understood it almost immediately, it plays quickly, and has plenty of variety and strategy. As with any such game, you have to choose to maximize your own score or focus on denying your opponents the cards they need. This is another winner from Gamewright.

Rating: A

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