Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thoughts on Potter

Phew!   As previously posted, I just finished the Harry Potter saga.  While its still fresh in my mind, I thought it wise to post a few comments regarding the series as a whole, looking at what I liked, and what I didn't, at a high level.

Things I liked about the Harry Potter series:
- The story was extremely well-knit; Rowling must have had quite a vision, as events and previously unclear happenings from earlier books all came together and made sense as the story progressed.
- The series was finite.  A common issue (with both TV and books) is for success to cause the authors to draw things out.  At that point, the creator loses control of the story, and allows fame/money/etc to take control and dictate choices.  I applaud Rowling for ending it when she intended, and not succumbing to that temptation.
- The series had a satisfying conclusion.  The reader is left, if anything, wanting more, or (at least) being satisfied.  Again, some successful series drone on and on, to the point where you want it to end.  

Things I didn't care for about the series:
- The relatively predictable plot/ending.  This is a problem with most everyone, so it's not a Rowling-specific criticism.  The good guy wins, the bad guy gets it, almost everyone close to the good guy survives, etc. etc.  I will say this: Rowling does an extremely good job with an oft-told story.  I just wish people would tell different stories.  But, perhaps, we as humans like the same story, over and over- a seemingly-weak novice takes on a formidable enemy and prevails. 
- Potter & co. going off on quests without informing the (trustworthy) teachers.  It happened a lot in the first few books especially, and it got old (to me).  I get that they learned not to trust certain individuals, but there were those on whom they could always rely, but chose not to.
- The relative lack of wisdom throughout the books.  Dumbledore got some great lines, but this was mostly an adventure tale.  I always appreciate it when the author can throw in simple (or complex) morals/themes/thoughts on human nature into their stories- it adds a dimension to the adventure; it makes it worth reading for more than just the story.  While the story arc was excellent, I felt it fell short in that regard.

Other thoughts:
- Reading all seven books within a space of two months has tremendous advantages, and it reinforces my current stance on book/TV series: I don't read/watch until the entire set is complete. Keeping it all fresh in your mind helps you better appreciate the cohesiveness of the story- had I read them years apart, I would have missed some of that.
- This is a children's series.  I had to keep reminding myself of that, as I wished it would turn into a more sweeping, epic tale.

Overall, the Harry Potter saga is well worth your time.  Here are links to my review of each book:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Now, I'm wondering how the movies turned out.  Perhaps I'll watch them soon . . .

Series Rating: A+

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