Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Everlasting Man (G.K. Chesterton)

In The Everlasting Man, G.K. Chesterton has two points:
1) man is unique among creation
2) Christ is unique among men- he's not just another charismatic leader
The first half of the book looks at point 1; the second at point 2.  Throughout, Chesterton looks at history from a high level (discussing the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc.) and points out how Christianity really was the thing that changed the world- forever.

Chesterton is a great writer, but I didn't feel this was his best work.  There are nuggets of absolute gold here, but they're buried between pages of arguments which expect the reader to have a lot of knowledge about the classical world and ancient pagan religions.  Since I have neither, I was often lost.  Additionally, Chesterton references contemporary arguments, movements, and personalities that are lost on us reading 90 years later (it was written in 1925).  While the aforementioned golden moments are marvelous, and I agree with Chesterton's line of reasoning and main points, there are better apologetic works out there.

Rating: B-

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