Friday, January 1, 2016

So Begins 2016

One goal is accomplished at the expense of another.  That thought has run through my mind recently, as I reflect back on achievements in the prior year.  Some good things happened . . . but others didn't, and mostly it's because of priorities- and those are limited by time.

Though money appears to drive most people, time is the resource that never replenishes.  We have an unknown, set amount- and it's always decreasing.  Looking forward to 2016, I want to keep that in mind.  Time is a resource and must be managed like everything else- perhaps more so.  May we all redeem the time in 2016.

Part of good time management is . . . minimization.  It's easier to prioritize when there are fewer things on the plate.  A theme for physical stuff in 2015, I want it to continue minimizing in 2016, but with a shift in focus from the material to everything else.  Specifically:


Minimizing stuff in 2015 was good . . . minimizing me in 2016 is better.  My main fitness goals:
- get down to 180 lbs
- stretch and run much more frequently.  Flexibility especially, I'm increasingly convinced, is more important than strength.  Or, at least, it leads to fewer problems.
- avoid injury (hopefully by accomplishing the above)

For numbers, the goals: 80 runs for 150 miles, 100 gym workouts.  But most importantly, the hard-to-quantify goal of better overall health is the focus.


I plan to read 36 books this year.  That's less than half of what I've been doing . . . but there are other things that need my attention.  In reading, I want to focus on classic literature, history (to include art), family/genealogy, and religion.


Minimizing me applies here, too.  Less time to myself- more for others.  I want to start doing daily devotionals with my family- something that should be a challenge with a baby, but has merit.  I also need to consistently make time for prayer and Scripture, be actively involved in the men's group at Church, and focus on doing things for others before myself.


Not sure how best to do this, but putting the focus more on the kids and less on me should pay off in big ways.  But what does that look like?  I'm not sure.  I suspect progress in the spiritual arena will help show the way.


Here's to less in 2016!

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