Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Top Ten: Movies

This is a banner month for me (I turn 40).  Milestones are good times to reflect, so I plan to spend the time looking back on my favorites in several areas of life.  First up: Movies.

I prefer movies to television- you have more time to tell a complete and developed story, without external factors that can hamper TV series (like actors leaving mid-series or popularity driving writes to continues seasons well after the story's been told).  A good movie should edify the viewer by inspiring, educating, and/or entertaining.  We should know more and want to be more after watching a good film.

The below selections, presented in no particular order, are well worth your time.

1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy

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"Authority is not given you to deny the return of the king, steward." - Gandalf
The classic saga of Frodo Baggins and his companions in their quest to destroy a ring (and Sauron with it) has everything you could want in a film (or series of films).  Action, adventure, suspense, strong messages, enchanting worlds, beautiful music throughout- I was extremely happy with Peter Jackson's adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved novels.  Though the third film (Return of the King) took home many of the awards, the first film (Fellowship of the Ring) is my favorite. Visit my LOTR page for more information.

2. The [Original] Star Wars trilogy

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"Do or do not.  There is no try." - Yoda
I was enchanted by Star Wars as a young child, and have remained so all these years.  Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, R2-D2, the dreaded Darth Vader and (of course) . . . spaceships!!  Though the prequel trilogy and sequel trilogy failed expectations in many respects, the originals- made in 1977-83, mind you- continue to stand the test of time in production quality, effects, and music.  Their influence on pop culture and film-making is profound. My favorite of the bunch (overall) is A New Hope, though my favorite scene remains the space battle in Return of the Jedi.  Visit my Star Wars page for more information.

3. The Dark Knight trilogy

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"People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy." - Bruce Wayne
I still remember the day.  It was 2005, I was sitting in the theater unaccompanied to watch Batman Begins.  I had extremely low expectations- the previous two Batman films, released a decade prior, were unmitigated disasters.  But I was blown away by Christopher Nolan's vision of the Dark Knight.  Every aspect of this film was amazing. It's my favorite of this set, though the two further offerings would continue the trend of excellence (I reflect on those here and here).  Highly, highly recommended.  But not for children- there's some dark stuff here.

4. The Marvel Cinematic Universe

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"We need a plan of attack." - Captain America
"I have a plan: attack." - Iron Man
I depart from trilogies to present . . . a 23-film sequence.  Impressive in scope and execution, I ruminate on the MCU as a series here. Though they're not all stellar, the vast majority of these films were done well and impressively woven into an overall story arc.  It's an accomplishment ten years in the making, but it was worth the wait.

5. Amazing Grace

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"Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly. I'm a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior." - John Newton
I have yet to review this film on the blog, but Amazing Grace is a must-watch, telling the story of William Wilberforce and John Newton as they battle an unwilling society to abolish slavery in the British Empire.  Newton saw the evils first-hand, as he was a former slave ship captain who repented (and later wrote Amazing Grace).

6. Invictus

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"We have to surprise them with compassion, with restraint, and generosity." - Nelson Mandela
Another movie I have yet to review. Nelson Mandela experienced horrors in his life, as did other black people in South Africa.  But when Apartheid ended and Mandela was elected President, his focus on reconciliation was a lesson in forgiveness, humility, and love we'd all do well to understand and emulate.  Watch Invictus.

7. Chariots of Fire

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"You're the proud possessor of many gifts, and its your sacred duty to put them to good use . . . Run in God's name, and let the world stand back and wonder."
A 1981 film Chariots of Fire follows two runners with very different motivations as they pursue excellence in the 1924 Olympics.  We're all driven by something . . . what's driving you?

8. The Lego Batman Movie

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"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. Hooo." - Michael Jackson. "No. I said that. Batman is very wise. I also have huge pecs and a nine-pack. Yeah, I've got an extra ab. Now, let's start the movie." - Batman
I feel odd including a Lego movie on my all-time list, but this hits the mark in many ways.  Batman thinks he can do it on his own- but he can't.  None of us can.  We're designed for relationships and need to be with each other; The Lego Batman Movie manages to deliver that message well with children's toys and plenty of humor.  Impressive . . . most impressive.

9. Wonder

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"You're going to feel like you're all alone, but you're not."
Though Wonder may appear like a typical "person in hard situation learns to adapt and overcome"-type experience, this is ultimately a film that explores how we all feel from time to time- alone.  But we're not.  Check this one out.

10. Gods and Generals

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"General Jackson, how is it you remain so calm in the midst of battle?"
"Mr. Smith, my religious faith teaches me that God has already fixed the time of my death; therefore, I think not of it. I am as calm in battle as I would be in my own parlor. God will come for me in his own time."
- Stonewall Jackson
Gods and Generals is focused on the story of Stonewall Jackson, Confederate General during the American  Civil War.  But it really tells a larger tale- of why both sides were fighting.  And it's not as clear-cut as you think.  It's thought-provoking and worth the 4 hour run-time.

There are so many excellent films out there, it was hard to list just ten.  I've reviewed about 170 movies on this blog to date; here are those posts.

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